Beïnvloeding van verkeersgedrag door het prijsmechanisme : een notitie over mogelijkheden voor verzekeraars.

Mulder, J.A.G. & Wesemann, P.

Recent literature offers few examples of study which draws a relationship between the level of the insurance premium and accident prevention. Nevertheless, many assume variable premiums exert a positive effect on road safety. It is also assumed that insurers can make a contribution to the promotion of road safety, although they tend to operate on a commercial basis. In view of the lack of adequate research results, it is important to find more or new areas of application for financial stimuli, and to test and evaluate their potential. The financial stimuli which may be offered by insurers to their customers can either be direct (for instance by rewarding drivers who have good accident records) or be indirect (for example co-financing of courses). The development of cost awareness could also represent a method by which insurers can promote safety. It is recommended that further research is undertaken to investigate whether drivers of company cars (especially lease cars) are more frequently involved in accidents and/or accidents with a more serious outcome than a comparable group of private motorists. Depending on the results, it may be considered whether insurance companies can develop a policy to enhance the costs awareness of employers and personnel.


C 2398 [electronic version only] /10 /83 / IRRD 862240

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 20 + 2 p., 16 ref.; R-93-20


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