Beitrag zum Problem der Beeinflussung der Verkehrssicherheit durch seitliche Hindernisse mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Baumunfälle.

Knoflacher, H.

It is stated that trees along the road side, if they are far enough decrease the accident-rate and accident severity. They can have even a psychological affect on the driver for his vehicle handling. The nearest distance to the roadside must be less than 1.6 to 2.4 m. Darkness and dusk double the accident-risk.

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B 1683 fo /82/ IRRD 56248 [electronic version only]

Strassen und Tiefbau, Vol. 23 (1969) No. 11, p. 1066-1069, 3 fig., 4 ref.

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