Belt slip measurements en human volunteers and the part 572 Dummy in low - Gx impact acceleration

Begeman, P.C. Levine, R.S. & King, A.I.

A series of volunteer and dummy impact experiments was performed on a Hyge-type sled to study the relative motion between the upper torso restraint and the torso surface. Belt slip was found to be in the range of approximately 10 to 30 mm with more slip experienced by volunteers than the dummy.

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B 22832 (In: B 22801 [electronic version only]) /84/91/ IRRD 275479

In: Proceedings of twenty-seventh Stapp car crash conference with international research committee on biokinetics of impacts (IRCOBI), San Diego, California, October 17-19 1983, p. 433-444 , 2 fig., 14 graph., 1 tab., 5 ref.; SAE paper No. 831635

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