Benefits of day-labor (non-contract) construction.

Valentine, D.

The author believes there are benefits to be derived from carrying out road construction by day-labor, as opposed to contract, especially for municipal jobs of around one million dollars or less. He emphasizes the need for capable flexible staff. He believes municipal staff have a greater input before and during construction He points out the decreased amount of documentation and inspection required. The municipal employees and local operators hired for day labor are aware they will have to live with the results of their work,and pay taxes to maintain it. In Ontario, liability for health and safety is more manageable at the local level. He emphasizes the local people's interest in protecting and maintaining the natural environment. He sees the familiar associations with other roads departments and suppliers as an aid to efficiency. He believes the municipal road department is in a better position to handle unusual developments in the work or emergencies that may occur during its progress. He presents opinion that a balance is required between public and private sectors. (A)

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C 13065 (In: C 13012 CD-ROM) /10 / IRRD 896931

In: Proceedings of the 13th International Road Federation IRF World Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 16 to 20, 1997, p.-

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