Benefits of inflatable belts in reducing serious injury to vehicle occupants during crashes.

Nakhla, S.

Researchers have considered inflatable belts as a means of reducing risk of serious injuries and fatalities to vehicle occupants during crashes since the early 1970's. A great deal of work was conducted in the United States during the early seventies to investigate potential benefits of inflatable belts. Although benefits of these devices were clearly demonstrated at that time, they were never incorporated in passenger vehicles until today. Almost thirty years later, the concept of inflatable belts is still valid and alive. Changes in seatbelt usage patterns and consumer demands for safer vehicles are currently making it possible to capitalize on the benefits of inflatable belts. In addition, development over the last few years has resolved many of the initial concerns, including comfort and packaging. Inflatable belts are multi mode safety devices that provide protection to vehicle occupants during frontal, side or rollover crashes. When worn, the inflatable seatbelt is always positioned on the occupant, providing early restraint in the event of a crash. The cushioning effect of the inflatable belt will distribute belt loading over a larger contact area which reduces the probability of rib and clavicle fracture. This is especially important for elderly occupants. Inflation of the belt on the shoulder provides support for the head and neck reducing lateral movement during side loading which occurs during side impact and rollover crashes. Additionally, the inflation produces a downward force on the occupant providing a higher level of coupling between occupant and seat and limits the movement of the occupant during rollover crashes. This paper gives a historical overview of inflatable belts and quantifies the added benefits in frontal, side and rollover crashes. It also addresses concerns arising from interaction between the inflatable belt and child seats or small children. For the covering abstract see ITRD E126782.

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C 34308 (In: C 34286) /91 / ITRD E126804

In: Proceedings of the 6th international symposium and exhibition on sophisticated car occupant safety systems - Airbag 2002 - held Karlsruhe, Germany, December 2002, p. 24.1-24.16, 7 ref.

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