Bepaling van het aantal ernstig verkeersgewonden in 2012.

Bos, N.M. Bijleveld, F.D. & Stipdonk, H.L.

Determining the number of serious road injuries in 2012. The total number of serious road injuries in 2012 amounts to 19 200 plus or minus 1 300. This estimate is far less accurate than the estimates in previous years due to the disappointing quality of the road crash registration BRON (Registered Crashes in the Netherlands) in combination with changes that were made to the National Medical Register (LMR). The changes to the LMR are intended to result in improvement over time. However, the present year is a transition period. Much data is still lacking or has been registered using a new coding system, which until now makes processing the data impossible. The hospital registration of traffic casualties for 2013 is expected to enable a more accurate estimate for that year. Improvement of the BRON crash data is also envisaged. However, this improvement is not expected to result in a more accurate estimate until 2015 (of the number of serious road injuries in 2014).


C 51114 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2013, 18 p.; R-2013-18


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