Berekening van brandstofinspuitsystemen voor dieselmotoren.

Walwijk, E. Graad, R. van der & Jansen, J.K.M.

This paper describes how a simulation of a fuel injection equipment of a diesel engine has been made by using a digital computer. With the aid of the results obtained with the ALGOL programme the process of the injection is discussed with respect to the pressure in various parts of the system, the lift and velocity of the injector needle and the delivery valve, and the quantity of the fuel injected. Particular attention is given to the rather remarkable movement of the delivery valve in the fuel pump. The results are compared with measurements on actual fuel injection systems.

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9 + 7 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 3628 T

Ingenieur, Vol. 21 (1969), No. 21 (23 mei), p. W95-108.

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