The Berger Rhythm : potential changes from the occipital lobes in man.

Adrian, E.D. & Matthews, B.H.C.

The paper deals with Berger's discovery that regular potential oscillations at 10 a second can be detected in the human subject by electrodes applied to the scalp. Berger's conclusion, that the waves are due to the electrical activity of the cortex, is confirmed, but evidence is given to show that they arise in the occipital lobes connected with vision, and not from the whole cortex. The distribution of current in the scale indicates that the focus of maximum activity, though confined to the optical region.

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4 + 8 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 3860 fo

Brain, Vol. 57 (1934), Part 4 (December), p. 355-385

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