Bermongevallen: karakteristieken, ongevalsscenario's en mogelijke interventies : resultaten van een dieptestudie naar bermongevallen op 60-, 70-, 80- en 100km/uur-wegen.

Davidse, R.J. (red.)

Run-off-road crashes: characteristics, crash scenarios and possible interventions; Results of an in-depth study of run-off-road crashes on 60, 70, 80 and 100 km/h roads. This report presents the results of a SWOV in-depth study of run-off-road crashes. In an in-depth study of road crashes all possible information is collected about all aspects of the crash: the traffic conditions, the immediate environment, the road users who are involved, their vehicles, and the injuries that have been sustained by the vehicle occupants. The purpose of the present research is to gain insight in the factors and circumstances that have an influence on the occurrence and the outcome of run-off-road crashes. This will provide a basis for the selection of measures that can prevent similar crashes in future or reduce the injury severity of these crashes. This is advisable because one third of all fatal road crashes are run-off-road-crashes. Furthermore, the number of fatal run-off-road crashes does not decline as rapidly as the total number of fatal crashes. Run-off-road crashes are defined as crashes in which one of the motor vehicles that are involved runs off the road in the initial phase of the crash. This in-depth study limits itself to those run-off-road crashes in which a driver hit the verge. The end position of the vehicle is not important; the vehicle may have come to a stop on the verge, in a ditch, against an obstacle or tree, but it may also have crashed into an approaching vehicle. Therefore, run-off-road crashes are not only single-vehicle crashes or obstacle crashes; they can also be frontal or lateral collisions provided that one of the involved vehicles ran off the road in the initial phase of the crash.


C 50653 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2011, 178 p., 46 ref.; R-2011-24


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