Beschouwingen over het gebruik van wiskundige modellen in de verkeerskunde en aanverwante takken van de toegepaste wetenschap.

Hamerslag, R.

A review is given of the most important mathematical models, which are used in traffic engineering and related sciences. Described are causal descriptive, prognosis and normative models and models which are used in process planning. Attention is paid to the direct demand- and equilibrium models of the descriptive models. Some attention is given to estimation models. The description of the normative models includes target function, control- and boundary conditions. The importance of the descriptive character in normative models is emphasized. At last some attention is paid to models used in process-planning.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 9233 /71.2/ IRRD 219722

Amersfoort, Dwars Heederik en Verhey DHV, 1976, 42 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; DHV Overdrukkenreeks No. 132.

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