Best practice guidelines for procurement of ITS solutions.

Hewitt, S.

This report documents how Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions are currently procuring a range of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions and recommends ways jurisdictions could improve their ITS procurement practices. Road agencies are using ITS solutions more often to operate existing road networks efficiently and effectively. An ITS procurement method can have significant impact on the ultimate success of ITS projects. When implementing both hardware and software ITS solutions, it is important for road agencies to select an appropriate procurement method that will assist in obtaining the best value for money and the expected outcomes for the project, as well as mitigate the risks. The report considers different procurement methods of various ITS solutions which range in scale from the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of large managed motorway projects, to smaller isolated systems. Real-life case studies document the decisions involved and lessons learned in the procurement process, and allow jurisdictions to: * share their knowledge and learn from each other’s experience; * be aware of the potential pitfalls of particular approaches; and * understand how a procurement approach could be improved in the future. (Author/publisher)

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20131174 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2013, III + 73 p., 8 ref.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R440-13 - ISBN 978-1-925037-13-5

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