Betrieb von Kreuzungen mit Rechtsvortritt.

Eberling, P. & Scaramuzza, G.

In Switzerland, 1'500 accidents occur annually at junctions with priority from the right as a result of failing to observe this right of way. In districts where traffic abatement measures have been enforced, a tendency has been noted for junctions with regulated right of way (stop signs, give way signs) to be converted to junctions with priority from the right. In practice, the required ranges of vision for setting out junctions of this type which are stipulated by the VSS standard (Association of Swiss Road and Traffic Engineers) are considered to be very low. In order to clarify whether junctions with priority from the right are more dangerous than those with regulated right of way, the purpose of this study is to provide clarity about accidents at such junctions in Switzerland. The Swiss standards will then be compared with foreign studies and, on the basis of our own investigations, proposals will be put forward to adapt the reference values. (Author/publisher)

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C 40103 [electronic version only]

Bern, Schweizerische Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung BfU, 1999, 52 p., 11 ref.; BfU-Pilotstudie ; R 9917

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