Bewegwijzering als route-informatie en route-geleidingselement : lijnen van onderzoek.

Griep, D.J.

The subject of signalization as an element for route-information and route-guidance is known in the literature. This summary is directed on the functional requirements and starting points for route-information, route-guidance and signalization. Starting point for this is that all elements of route guidance, route information and signalization form together a connected system, that must be applied to the tasks of the different kinds of road user.

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B 10238 (In: B 10236) /73.1/ IRRD 222133

In: Links af, rechts af, alsmaar rechtdoor : katalogus bij de tentoonstelling over bewegwijzering, 1976, p. 34-41, 9 fig., 15 ref.


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