Bewegwijzering in een groot kantoorgebouw : een evaluatie.

Bouwman, A.G. & Hazel-Bomas, A.T. van de

The present direction finding system in the building of the Department of Justice was compared with an by IZF-TNO recommended system. In contrast with the present system, in the recommended system information was presented at each decision point in the building, i.e. the locations in the building at which two of more directions could be chosen. In the experiment subjects had to find 4 destinations in the building and also find the exit from 4 different locations in the building. There were two groups of subjects: experienced and naive. After the experiment the subjects had to judge the two systems by means of a questionnaire. No significant differences of search times and errors were found, except between the naive and experienced subjects. Detailed analysis of the results suggested, however, a greater efficiency for the recommended system, especially when used by the naive subjects. Differences were not found in questionnaire judgements. It was remarkable, that more than half of all subjects did not know the meaning of the signs used for the emergency routes. (Author/publisher)

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841307 ST [electronic version only]

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie IZF TNO TM, 1981, 17 + 24 p., 3 ref.; IZF 1981 C-16

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