Bewertungskriterien zum Begriff der Richtgeschwindigkeit auf zweispurigen Bundesstrassen (Gegenverkehrsstrassen).

Krebs, H.G. Lamm, R. Klöckner, J.H. & Schlichter, H.G.

In continuation of earlier investigations on motorways, the question was examined whether, and to what extent, the traffic flow and the accident situation on two-lane roads outside built-up areas can be influenced by recommended speeds according to a traffic sign. Speed measurements showed that the speed recommendations on all test sections give rise only exceptionally to an increase in the 15% speed and a decrease in the 85% speed.

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B 11734 S /73/82/ IRRD 305611

Bonn, Bundesminister für Verkehr, Abteilung Strassenbau, 1976, 73 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Strassenbau und Strassenverkehrstechnik, Heft 202

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