Beyond gridlock : the future of mobility as the public sees it. A report of 65 forums documenting the views of americans who use and depend on this nation's surface transportation systems.


This report summarizes the findings of 65 public forums held across the United States as an initial fact-finding stage of Transportation 2020 which is an attempt to develop a national consensus surface transportation policy. Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia held forums. The opinions expressed at the forums varied widely. The major concerns of transportation users, both urban and rural, are noted together with their financial concerns. Proposals made by transportation users regarding intercity rail, transit, highway safety, and highways are discussed. The various chapters of this publication cover the following: condition of the nation's surface transportation system; implications for America's economic future; and financing and managing a new national program. Appendices provide further related information. (A)

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Washington, D.C., Advisory Committee in Highway Policy ACHP, 1988, 70 p.

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