Bicycle accidents in Göteborg, Sweden, 1983.

Kroon, P.O. Bunketorp, O. & Romanus, B.

During the last years popularity of bicycling has grown markedly in Sweden, especially in the major cities. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology, traumatology and consequences of the bicycle accidents in Gothenburg during one year. The study was also a test of a computerized hospital based system for registration and analyses of traffic accidents.

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B 23605 (In: B 23601) /81/84/ IRRD 279703

In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Research Committee on Biomechanics of Impacts (IRCOBI), Delft, The Netherlands, September 4-6, 1984, p. 37-46, graph., tab., ref.

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