Bicycle facilities at intersections : a review of the guidelines in Denmark, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Germany. Annex XI to SWOV-report `Safety effects of road design standards', R-94-7 (see C 2838 (IRRD 866221).

Hagenzieker, M.P.

This volume is one of the annexes to a main report on safety effects of road design standards which was compiled by SWOV in collaboration with other European partners, in 1993-1994. For the covering abstract of the report or the report itself, see C 2838. This annex provides an overview of standards relating to `Bicycle facilities at intersections' as could be obtained for the following EC-countries: Denmark, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Germany. Standards for bicycle facilities are reviewed for intersections located inside built-up areas as well as for those located outside built-up areas. Attention is paid to bicycle facilities at different types of intersections, and takes into account factors such as their physical lay-out and priority ruling. A summary of the standards is given for each country under consideration, as well as a bibliography of the documents that have been used.


951595 ST [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1994, 86 p., 52 ref.; R-94-7 XI


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