Bicycle helmet wearing in children : a seven-year, observational study in Broward county, Florida.

Delamater, A.M. & Patino, A.M.

The effectiveness of statewide bicycle legislation is evaluated using direct observation of the number of elementary and middle school children riding bicycles with and without helmets to or from school over a 7-year period. The percentage of children wearing helmets increased dramatically over the past 7 years ( to a high of 81%) due to the passage of state law that required helmet usage. Rates for elementary school children were consistently higher than rates of middle school children. Numerous children still do not wear helmets, particularly older children. Further interventions are needed to promote helmet wearing. (Author/publisher)

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C 27471 [electronic version only]

Childrens Health Care, Vol. 32 (2003), No. 4, p. 287-295, 15 ref.

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