Bicycles in Tianjin China : a case study.

Zhao, H.

It is noted that bicycles are used for 77% of all non-walking trips in the city centre. Public transportation and other forms account for about 18 and 4% of all trips respectively. Tianjin's public transportation system is composed primarily of buses. Peak hour use of bicycles is discussed (37,000 bicycles per hour in one intersection), and the advantages and disadvantages in their use are noted. The government's subsidy for commuter bicycle use is discussed. Travel projections and recommendations for the future are made. By increasing investment in road construction and public transportation, and by encouraging people now making long bicycle trips to use public transportation, bicycle use can be stabilised at current levels while the public system is developed. Bicycle registration fees should be instituted and subsidies paid to bicycle users should be phased out.

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C 22718 [electronic version only] /72 /

Tempe, AZ, Arizona State University, Center for Advanced Research in Transportation CART, 1987, 8 p., 2 ref.; Global Mobility ; No. 4

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