Binnenstad Delft verdeeld in sectoren.

Hendriks, R.

After Groningen introduced in September 1977 a traffic circulation plan dividing the city centre into sectors, the municipality of Delft implemented a plan of similar shape to its ancient town centre. Plans like these impede motor traffic in its movements from one sector to another, rerouting it via main (ring) roads. Bicycle traffic, however, is allowed to filter through almost unrestricted. One of the main problems seems to be the information to the road users, and mainly to those being non-residents of the area. The article states the basic ideas behind the plan and gives some details about the info-system and experiences.

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B 13436 T /21/ IRRD 234861

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 29 (1978), No. 7 (juli), p. 344-346, 4 fig.

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