Biography of an endeavour : the International Drivers' Behaviour Research Association (IDBRA).

Benjamin, T.E.A.

This paper is in three sections. The first describes the events leading up to IDBRA's 1970 formation and the association's development up till 1986, a period during which the original industrialist founders were gradually replaced by governmental supporters. The second section presents a synthesis of IDBRA's 1986 International Symposium on Young Drivers's Alcohol- and Drug impairment, held in Amsterdam; some of the direct follow-up activities that have been undertaken, and some of IDBRA's current projects that are relevant. Lastly, the paper suggests the need to promote forcefully several changes in the "rules of the game" in the field of road safety. In particular, in the social environment within which countermeasures are developed. The changes suggested are seen as essential if the present and predicted world trend of death and injury is to be halted and reversed. (Author/publisher)

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C 22739 (In: C 22737) [electronic version only]

In: Invited speakers papers presented at the Road Traffic Safety seminar 1988, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-16 september 1988, p. 18-38, 40 ref.

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