Biomechanical responses and injuries in blunt lateral impact.

Viano, D.C.

In a recent series of experiments fourteen unembalmed cadavers were subjected to forty- four blunt lateral impacts at velocities of approximately 4.5, 6.7, or 9.4 m /s with a 15 cm flat 23.4 kg pendulum. Chest and abdominal injuries consisted primarily of rib fractures with a few cases of lung or liver laceration in the highest severity impacts. There were two cases of public ramus fracture in the pelvic impacts.

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B 29809 (In: B 29801 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 829247

In: Proceedings of the 33rd Stapp Car Crash Conference, Washington, D.C., October 4- 6, 1989, p.113- 142, 18 ref. SAE Paper No. 892432.

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