Bitumen emulsion-based surface dressings in Europe.

Le-Boutiller, E. & Roffe, J.C.

The International Bitumen Emulsion Federation (IBEF) forges links between national organisations of bitumen emulsion producers all around the world. IBEF also acts as a forum for the exchange of technical information and progress on bitumen emulsions, as well as the development on occupational health, safety and environmental standards. Hence, this has enabled IBEF to have a better understanding of the European bitumen emulsion market, especially in surface dressings. Some of the major issues faced by many developed countries are to better manage their existing road network and to encounter new challenges such as budget constraints, environmental concerns and energy savings. As a result, road authorities and the industry are seeking for new alternatives such as cold techniques, surface dressings (sprayed seals), etc. to replace the existing road maintenance techniques. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E217100.

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C 49110 (In: C 49090 CD-ROM) /31 / ITRD E216990

In: Proceedings of the 1st International Sprayed Sealing Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 27-29 2008, 11 p.

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