Bloedproef of ademproef.

Froentjes, W.

Whether a punishable excess of alcohol in an individual should apply only to blood alcohol content or alternatively and preferably to breath alcohol content is a much considered question in many countries. This is partly due to the introduction of microprocessor techniques in breath analysis, by which a number of objections against the breath test are removed. The breath test can only function as proof in alcohol-related traffic cases if, besides a maximum blood alcohol content, a breath alcohol limit is also introduced in the law. These questions are discussed in relation to the dutch legal situation.

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5 + 7 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 20043 /83.4 /73.3 / IRRD 261389

Nederland Juristenblad, Vol. 56 (1981), No. 17 (25 april), p. 454-459, ref.

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