Blood : breath ratios obtained in trials of three breath alcohol testing instruments.

Isaacs, M.D.J. Emerson, V.J. Fuller, R.A. & Holleyhead, R.

The instruments, the intoxilyzer 4011A, the gas chromatograph intoximeter MK.IV and the breathalyzer 1000 were extensively tested in the laboratory with eighty six cooperative drinking subjects with blood alcohol concentrations up to 160 milligrams per 100 milliliters. Comparison of the instrument results with capillary blood concentrations enabled the blood-breath relationship to be deduced. The results allowed assessment of the variations in blood-breath ratios as measured by these instruments in laboratory and field circumstances.

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B 20904 (In: B 19594) /83.4/ IRRD 259924

In: Proceedings 8th international Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety, Stockholm, June 15-19, 1980, p. 442-455, 2 graph., 3 ref.

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