Blow and go : the Breath-Analyzed Ignition Interlock Device as a technological response to DWI.

Fulkerson, A.

Driving while intoxicated rates have declined substantially in the last 20 years. This is as a result of public opinion combined with increased law enforcement efforts. A recent tool has been the Breath Analysed Ignition Interlock Device. This new technology is designed to prevent persons with excessive blood alcohol levels from operating the interlocked vehicle. This 3-year recidivism study of the ignition interlock revealed 17.5% recidivism rates for the interlock group compared to 25.3% recidivism rates for the non-interlock group, a 31% decrease. Multiple offenders and younger (under 30) offenders had significantly lower rates of subsequent arrests. The multi-offenders in the comparison group were more than twice as likely as the interlock group to have a subsequent conviction within 3 years. The difference was nearly the same for the under 30 age group. There was almost no difference for first offenders. Accordingly, the ignition interlock appears to significantly reduce recidivism for repeat and younger DWI offenders but offers almost no improvement for first offenders. One driver of 315 (0.32%) was charged with DWI with an interlock in place. This offender had a child provide the breath sample while she drove the vehicle. (Author/publisher)

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C 25464 [electronic version only]

[S.l., s.n.], 2003, 28 p., 19 ref. / Also published in: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Vol. 29 (2003), No. 1, p. 219-235

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