Blue reflectors : an inexpensive and effective way of managing fatigue of drivers of heavy vehicles.

Cleaver, M. Simpson, J. Roos, M.P. de Hendry, L.A. & Peden, S.M.

In the five years 2004 - 2008 nearly 18 per cent of all fatalities on New South Wales roads were from fatigue related crashes. By comparison, over 23 per cent of heavy vehicle crash fatalities in that five year period were fatigue related. In that period there were 480 heavy vehicle crash fatalities, of which 113 were fatigue related. A number of formal roadside rest areas are provided in NSW. In addition, the NSW RTA has approved the use of a series of Blue Reflectors to simply, effectively and at minimal cost advise drivers of heavy vehicles they are approaching an informal heavy vehicle stopping area. Three Blue Reflectors are mounted on guide posts 300 metres from an informal site; two on a post 200 metres away and one on a post at the turnoff to the stopping area. Blue Reflectors are only used in rural areas. The Blue Reflectors are also a clever way to remind heavy vehicle drivers of their obligation to manage fatigue. The Blue Reflector scheme is used in other states of Australia and is recognised by the heavy vehicle industry. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E218699.

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C 50728 (In: C 50708 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E218715)

In: Road safety 2009 : [proceedings of the] Australasian Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 10-12 November 2009, Pp.

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