Bombardier Flexity outlook.

Petz, M.

Bombardier Transportation's Flexity family comprises products ranging from 100% low-floor trams to high-capacity light rail vehicles, focusing on standardisation, modularity and common parts for components and systems. Bombardier Transportation also offers its own traction and propulsion systems, electrical components, operations, maintenance and financial services. The origins of low-floor technology are outlined and the development of the new Flexity Outlook trams, first introduced in Linz, Austria, is described. The wheel-set bogie, carbody construction, drive systems and components used in the Outlook trams are described. The creation of flat longitudinal ramps inside the trams allowed the implementation of conventional wheel-set technology. The creation of an ideal entrance height is discussed.

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I E120794 /90 / ITRD E120794

Eurotransport. 2003. (1) Pp17-18,20-22

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