Braking performance of drivers under the influence of alcohol and cannabis.

Attwood, D.A. Williams, R.D. Mcburney, L.J. & Frecker, R.C.

The effects of alcohol and marijuana were compared, separately and in combination, on the ability of subject drivers to bring their vehicles to a smooth stop in response to a light signal. The results suggest that driver performance is affected by doses of alcohol and marijuana normally associated with social use. Univariate analyses suggested that drivers under the influence of alcohol (alone or with marijuana) tend to brake sooner than when under the influence of marijuana or when not intoxicated. While the univariate analyses illustrated performance differences on several variables among selected drug conditions, none of the variables demonstrated significant differences identifying each drug condition. Multivariate analyses, on the other hand, were able to differentiate performance on one drug treatment from that on another. Research is recommended to develop an on-line monitoring device for detecting driver impairment. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 268805.

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B 22029 (In: B 20301) /83 / IRRD 268808

In: Human factors : science for working and living (HF '80) : Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Los Angeles, California, October 1980, p. 134-138, 8 refs

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