Bridges to innovation: scanning tour gains international pointers.

Friedland, I.M.

From March 28 through April 13, 2003, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)-Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Panel on Bridge System Preservation and Maintenance traveled to Africa and Europe, visiting South Africa, Switzerland, Denmark, and England, meeting with representatives from those nations, as well as from Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Wales. The tour was part of the joint AASHTO-FHWA International Scanning Program, cosponsored by the Transportation Research Board's National Cooperative Highway Research Program and FHWA. The ten panel members met with highway agency representatives and with researchers and practitioners in the areas of bridge management and inspection technology. This article briefly identifies the topics addressed.

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I E828211 /60 / ITRD E828211

TR News. 2003 /09. (228) pp29

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