Brown's fourier method for non-stationary time series.

Wilson, D. Cai, A. & Hingston, T.

Robert G. Brown is best known for his use of exponential smoothing in the forecasting of time series. It is a common method in all modern management texts in forecasting demand. However, he presented a less well known technique in one of his last publications. In this text he used Fourier series tools to model complex cyclical demand patterns that may occur in business. This paper describes the use of the technique and applies it to the forecasting of daily travel patterns over an extended period of time. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210528.

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C 29084 (In: C 29076 CD-ROM) /72 /71 / ITRD E210536

In: CAITR-2003 : [proceedings of the] 25th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research, University of South Australia, Transport Systems Centre, 3-5 December 2003, 7 p.

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