Bus services : the use of minibuses : experience in Brussels.

Lombart, A.

This paper describes the experience of introducing a special minibus service in the Brussels Region following concern that the disabled were unable to travel on the new Brussels Metro. A special transport service was set up using minibuses with adjustable seats to carry people with various types of disability. Regarded as experimental, the service was set up in 1988 and operated on a demand responsive basis for door-to-door journeys. Eight vehicles are in operation from 6.30 am to 20.30 pm with an additional vehicle from 16.00 pm to 23.00 pm. Further details are given about the scheme which has proved to be highly successful. Because of the large area covered there is considerable empty running and cost recovery is only 6%.

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C 4698 (In: C 4691 S) /72 / IRRD 854409

In: Transport for people with mobility handicaps : public transport by bus : papers presented at the European Conference of Ministers of Transport ECMT Seminar, Dunkirk, 29th November 1989, p. 83-89

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