Buspirone, Diazepam and Lorazepam: Effects on driving related skills.

Moskowitz, H.

Buspirone is an example of a drug claimed to be an effective anxiolytic agent with little or no associated skills performance impairment. It differs greatly from benzodiazepines in chemical, pharmacological and neurochemical profiles. Its action does not seem to involve the benzodiazepine receptor sites, although its mechanism of action is still not clear. This paper reviews six studies which compared the effects of Buspirone with two benzodiazepines on skills performance and selected other measures.

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B 25315 (In: B 25301) /83.4/ IRRD 801390

In: Drugs and driving : proceedings of the first international symposium on prescription drugs and driving performance, Vinkeveen, The Netherlands, 25-28 June 1984, p. 191-200

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