Byernes trafikarealer. Haefte 5: krydsninger mellem stier og veje. (The towns' traffic areas. Booklet 5: crossings between paths and roads.)

Working Group "Geometrical Design of Individual Elements of Urban Traffic Networks"; Marstrand, J. (chairman)

This booklet, which should be used in conjunction with the other booklets in the series, contains the principles of design for both true paths crossing roads as well as ordinary pedestrian crossings and other completely local solutions to a crossing problem. General information is given on the requirements for the location of crossings where both road and path users are aware of the duty to give way. Safety must be a principal prerequisite for design and location considerations. The principal types of crossing designs are summarised. These include footbridges and subways, ordinary signal-controlled crossings and those with flashing lights, crossings with speed restraints and other crossings where road traffic must given way. The dimensions and geometrical design of the individual elements such as lanes, cyclepaths and crossings, pedestrian crossings, ramps and bumps, islands and booms are discussed. Specific elements of subways and footbridges are not dealt with. Guidance is given on the procedure for selecting a crossing type and determining the most effective design. Examples are given in booklet Vx of the design of eight different crossing types. The previous edition of this booklet was originally published in Danish as The Highways Administration, Highways Regulations Committee publication entitled The Towns' Traffic areas, Booklet V, 1986 (Vejdirektoratet Vejregeludvalget, Byernes Trafikarealer, Haefte V). For abstracts of booklets IV, IVx, Vx, VII and VIIx see IRRD 844550, 844551 and 844553-844555. For the previous edition see C 25174.

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C 25178 [electronic version only] /20 /

Kobenhavn, Vejdirektoratet Danish Road Insitute, 1991, 32 p. - ISSN 0106-9772 / ISBN 87-7491-349-2

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