Byernes trafikarealer. Haefte IVx : vejkryds : eksempler. ((The towns' traffic areas. Booklet IV: road intersections : examples.)

Working Group "Geometrical Design of Individual Elements of Urban Traffic Networks"; Marstrand, J. (chairman)

This booklet contains 23 examples of road intersections which have been modified in order to reduce accidents. They are divided into 6 groups corresponding to the 6 principle types dealt with in book IV chapter 3 - signal-controlled road intersections, priority allocated non-signal controlled F-intersections, priority allocated non-signal controlled T-intersections, side road junctions with traverses, roundabouts and non-priority allocated road intersections. The basis for each example is a specific, implemented project described by fictitious town and road names. For each intersection the background to the case and assumptions are discussed. Measures taken in each project are then outlined including signalling, tree and shrub planting, road widening, reprofiling and the creation of islands. Consequences of the modifications are described including the effects on accident figures. Details are given of costs. This publication was originally published in Danish as The Highways Administration, Regulations Committee, The towns' traffic areas, booklet IVx, Road intersections - examples (Vejdirektoratet Vejregeludvalget Byernes Trafikarealer Haefte IVx: Vejkryds eksempler, 1987). For abstracts of booklets IV, V, Vx, VII and VIIx see IRRD 844550 and 844552-844555.

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C 25173 [electronic version only] /20 /

Kobenhavn, Vejdirektoratet Danish Road Insitute, 1987, 69 p. - ISSN 0106-9772 / ISBN 87-7491-347-6; Also published as: TRRL Translation. 1991/04. (T 3740b PA)

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