Byernes trafikarealer. Haefte VII: fartdaempere. (The towns' traffic areas. Booklet VII: speed restraints.)

Working Group "Geometrical Design of Individual Elements of Urban Traffic Networks"; Marstrand, J. (chairman)

As part of the highway regulation volume offering advice on the geometrical design of traffic areas in towns, this booklet contains guidance on the location and design of speed restraining measures under various specified circumstances. General principles for the use of speed restraints are outlined and the need to examine each case individually emphasised. Twelve principle types of speed restraint are identified - preliminary warnings, gateways, 2-laned raised plateaux, 2-laned bumps, offsettings, offsetting with raised plateau, narrowings with bumps, offsetting with narrowings, offsettings with narrowings and raised plateau and offsettings with narrowings and bumps. The elements contained in speed restraint measures - lanes, islands, bumps, ramps, offsettings and narrowings are then considered in more detail. The procedure for planning speed restraints on a section of road is then described. This booklet was originally published in Danish as: The Highways Administration, Highways Regulations Committee, The towns' traffic areas, Booklet VII, Speed restraints (Vejdirektoratet Vejregeludvalget Byernes Trafikarealer Haefte VII, Fartaempere, 1988). For abstracts of booklets IV, IVx, V, Vx and VIIx see IRRD 844550-844553 and 844555.

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C 25176 [electronic version only] /20 /72 /

Kobenhavn, Vejdirektoratet Danish Road Insitute, 1988, 55 p. - ISSN 0106-9772 / ISBN 87-7491-353-0; Also published as: TRRL Translation. 1991/03. (T 3740c PA)

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