Calming traffic : Cattolica, Italy.

Gabellini, N.

Cattolica is a seaside resort town on the Adriatic coast. It has about 16,000 residents which can expand to about 100,000 during the summer. The total length of the road network is 70 km, 70% to 80% of traffic being carried on 10 km of main roads. The smaller streets had a high incident rate once every 6 to 7 days. The traffic management project comprised 103 measures, e.g. raised pedestrian crossings, unbroken pavements, traffic free zones, and road narrowings. In addition, all traffic lights were removed and replaced by priority prone roundabouts. The accident rate has been reduced considerably by these measures. For the covering abstract see ITRD E117761.

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C 25336 (In: C 25330 [electronic version only]) /82 /83 /73 / ITRD E117767

In: Proceedings of Best in Europe 2002 - Safer Cities conference, held at Brussels, 25 June 2002, p. 26-27

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