Campaigns and Awareness Raising Strategies in Traffic Safety (CAST). Deliverable 2.3: Evaluation tool for road safety campaigns.

Boulanger, A. Daniels, S. Divjak, M. Goncalves, I. Meng, A. Moan, I.S. Nathanail, T. Orozova-Bekkevold, I. Schepers, P. Tamis, K. Bossche, F. van den & Zabukovec, V.

Road safety campaigns play an integral part in the effort to improve road safety and thus reducing the number and/or severity of road accidents. The overall aim of road safety campaigns is to promote safe road user behaviours and to prevent road traffic accidents from occurring. The evaluation of road safety campaigns is essential to establish whether these campaigns are effective at improving road user safety. Evaluation allows knowing the campaign effectiveness, learning about the campaign, benefitting for future campaigns, justifying the costs, facilitating future fund raising and so forth. It is therefore also necessary to publish the campaign evaluation results and make them public available. The aim of this evaluation tool is to provide a practical tool that can be used to carry out a proper effectiveness evaluation study. The CAST manual gives practical recommendations on how to design, implement, and evaluate a road safety campaign. The manual outlines six steps needed to complete the entire campaign process. Campaign evaluation is mentioned for the first time in the third step and thus before the actual implementation of the campaign. Indeed, you need to think about and organise the evaluation study right after the campaign design step. Three types of evaluation studies are distinguished namely: process, outcome, and economic evaluation. This evaluation tool will help you through the decisions you need to make about the outcome evaluation. Every chapter corresponds with and explains certain steps needed to measure the effect in a proper way. (Author/publisher)

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20090703 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN)], 2009, 137 p., ref.; Contract No. TREN-05-FP6TR-S07.59641-019520-CAST

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