Can you ignore it? : effects of album artwork on driver distraction.

Lasch, A. & Kujala, T.

Influence of album artwork on driver distraction when searching for music albums was investigated in a driving simulator experiment with 24 participants. Participants searched music lists comprising of neutral artwork, attractive artwork showing half-naked men or women, or no artwork at all. It was expected that searching is more distracting when artwork is presented due to higher visual load. Further, attractive artwork was expected to be more distracting than neutral one. However, no significant distraction effects of album artwork were found. Attractive artwork seemed to capture somewhat more attention than neutral art. Results seem to suggest that drivers are able to ignore album artwork although the findings could be limited to search-oriented in-car tasks and unfamiliar artwork. (Author/publisher)


20151076 g ST (In: ST 20151076 [electronic version only])

In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 4-6, 2013, Pp., 13 ref.

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