Capaciteit en veiligheid

Nagtegaal A. Sturing, L.H. Nedereind, D.J.M. van ‘t Westerduin B. & Tigelaar, J.

A conference was held on the capacity and the resulting traffic safety of the road. The following lectures were presented: Nagtegaal A.: Capacity and safety; Sturing, L.H.: Capacity of the road and traffic safety; van ‘t Nedereind, D.J.M.: Development of the traffic and transportation system of Zoetermeer; Westerduin B.: Some aspects regarding the safety and capacity of the net of highway in and outside the built-up area; Tigelaar, J.: Traffic and transportation in The Hague.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
B 21009 /82/ IRRD 265004

Voorburg, Westelijk Wegenbouw Centrum, 1981, 43 p., fig., graph., tab.

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