Capacities and Delays at All-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections.

Li, H. Deng, W. & Yu, L.

In order to determine the capacities of traffic streams at all-way stop-controlled (AWSC) intersections, conflict technique method is utilized to analyze traffic conflicts between traffic streams. Based on conflict technique, an improved procedure or model was derived to determine the capacities of vehicular traffic streams and non-motorized traffic streams at AWSC intersections. Furthermore, the procedure was developed to obtain the capacities of shared lanes and flared approaches at AWSC intersections. According to field data collected from eight typical AWSC intersections, the developed model was calibrated for conditions in China. The capacities obtained from the model matched well with observed capacities and capacities obtained from motorcade analysis method. In addition, the delays of non-motorized road users are estimated by a modified method at AWSC intersections. In conclusion, the methodology provides a quite valuable reference for determining the capacities and delays of traffic streams at AWSC intersections.

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C 44101 (In: C 43862 CD-ROM) /73 ITRD E841046

In: Compendium of papers CD-ROM 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2008, 25 p.

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