Capacity building for road safety inrapidly motorising countries : a framework and an Indonesian case study.

King, M. Brownlow, D. Watson, B. & Wishart, D.

Addressing capacity development objectives in the role of an external expert provider is not fully consistent with the ideal approach to capacity development, however it is considered that there is an important part to be played by outside experts in helping to shape the agenda. That being said, there are complexities to the Indonesian context that are not easily understood by Westerners in the short term, so that learning becomes a two-way process. The long term objective of sustainability implies that workshops like these will increasingly be conducted by Indonesians. Finding a way to transition to this outcome will present challenges. This publication may be accessed by Internet users at:

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20130304 pp ST (In: ST 20130304 [electronic version only])

In: Road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world : current issues and future challenges : papers and presentations presented at the 25th workshop of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety ICTCT, Hasselt, Belgium, October 8-9, 2012, Pp.

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