Capacity of city centres : parking problems: influence on modal split and transportation policy.

Claxton, E.C.

Capacity, referring to a district like a city centre, can be a very misleading word, when it is linked to the word parking, but as soon as it is linked also to modal split and transportation policy, it can have only one meaning, capacity or accessibility for people, and/or capacity for doing business. The purpose of this paper is to consider maximal accessibility to the city centre, which gives the maximum number of visitors optimal freedom of choice for mode of travel.

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B 13440 (In: B 13437 S) /72/ IRRD 234845

In: The Voice of the Pedestrian VIII : report of the Warsaw Meeting of the Standing Committee on Traffic Problems of the International Federation for Housing and Planning, Warsaw, Poland, May 1977, p. 19-31, 7 fig., 2 tab.

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