Car colour and risk of car crash injury : population based case control study.

Furness, S. Connor, J. Robinson, E. Norton, R. Ameratunga, S. & Jackson, R.

Globally, road traffic crashes kill about 3000 people a day. Identification of modifiable risk factors is an important step in reducing this burden. Previous research suggests that white or light coloured cars are less likely to be involved in a crash, than cars of other colours. The authors investigated the effect of car colour on the risk of a serious injury from a crash, using a population based case control study designed to identify and quantify modifiable risk factors. (Author/publisher)

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C 27444 [electronic version only]

British Medical Journal, Vol. 327 (2003), No. 7429 (December 20-27), p. 1455-1456, 5 ref.

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