Car following theory and stability limit of traffic volume.

Kometani, E. & Sasaki, T.

The authors have developed the fundamental equation of traffic dynamics concerning a traffic flow running down on single lane in one direction. Because of ambiguity of the coefficient "m" relating to the lead car which appears in this fundamental equation, they scrutinized the effects of m on the traffic flow through their car following experiments. In this case, they assume that the minimum value of the sale car space in case of car following practice is expressed as a linear function of speeds of the lead car and that of the following car. In this paper the value of m obtained by the car following experiment is given and its effect on traffic flow is considered from the standpoint of safety and stability of queue of vehicles and finally they calculated the traffic volume as stability which can prevent multiple collision.

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A 487 fo?

Kyoto University, 1961, 9 blz.

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