Car model safety rating based on real life accidents.

Kullgren, A. Krafft, M. Lie, A. . . . [et al. ]

The risk of being injured can be reduced effectively by constructing cars with high interior safety, that is, the number and severity of accidents is constant, but the outcome is affected, both regarding the risk of injury and injury severity. It has also been showed that cars are different in this sense, that is there are cars with higher interior safety than others. The objective of this study is to present methods and results that can be used for rating the interior safety of different car models.

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B 31954 (In: B 31951) /91 / IRRD 845860

In: Proceedings of the 1991 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, held in Berlin, September 11- 12- 13, 1991, p. 25- 39, 24 ref.

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