Car occupant ejection in 919 sampled accidents in the U.K.-1983-86.

Green, P.D. Robertson, N.K.B. Bradford, M.A. & Bodiwala, G.G.

Vehicle and injury data from 919 accidents in the UK are analysed for frequency, cause, and consequences of occupant ejection. The rear window was found in this sample to be the most frequent ejection route, followed by side doors, side glass, and the tailgate. These results are considered in relation to possible countermeasures, of which restraint use is shown to be by far the most effective, and bonded laminated or glass-plastic glazing is particularly recommended for rear windows.

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B 26621 (In: B 26613) /84 /91 / IRRD 812366

In: Restraint technologies: Front seat occupant protection. SAE Publication SP-690. Proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MichiGan, February 23-27, 1987, p. 91-104, 20 tab., 20 ref. SAE Paper No. 870323

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