Car occupant life expectancy : car mass and seat belt effects.

Evans, L. & Blumenfeld, D.E.

Average human life expectancies for the U.S. resident population are calculated using tabulated population and survival rate data. These life expectancies are recalculated assuming elimination of various types of motor vehicle fatalities using Fatal Accident Reporting System data. The differences between the original and recalculated values provide estimates of life expectancy reductions due to the motor vehicle fatalities. These estimates are combined with prior work relating the likelihood of an occupant fatality to car mass, so that reductions in life expectancy are determined as a function of car mass. The reductions are also used to determine the effect of seat belt use on life expectancy.

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B 23648 fo /81/

Risk Analysis, Vol. 2 (1982), No. 4, p. 259-268, graph., tab., ref.

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