Case study compendium summit 2012 : 'Seamless transport : making connections', Leipzig, 2-4 May 2012.

International Transport Forum ITF

Member Countries of the International Transport Forum and International Organisations working in the field of transport were asked to submit examples of good practice in seamless transport as an input to Summit 2012. Fifty case studies were received from countries and 44 case studies were submitted by international organisations. Case studies submitted from the countries cover all modes of transport and contain various types of policy approaches including infrastructure investment, cross-sectoral arrangements, regulatory initiatives, technological innovations, and intermodal connections. There is a good geographical balance of case studies as well as similar projects which allow comparisons among countries and regions. The case studies can be downloaded from (Author/publisher)

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20121093 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, International Transport Forum ITF / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, 2012, 172 p.

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